Friday, October 12, 2018

I believe

I believe that I already did my very best. Really my very best.
To keep thing works. To give. To show. To communicate. To ask.

If it still doesn't work, what else could I say?

I am only human.
I have my own line.
I have my own limit.

If thing still doesn't work when I already try my best, isn't it time to stop? And give up?

Thats what I believe, and it might be wrong. But when you won't tell me what you think, I will keep thinking that I am right. 😊

Puisi yang tak selesai?

Ku mulai khawatir. Khawatir puisi ini tidak akan pernah selesai, karena waktu berhenti lebih cepat daripada yang direncanakan. Semoga tidak ...